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吉成 晃 / 植物の細胞極性の謎を解き明かす!






吉成 晃 (YOSHINARI, Akira)​

2007年3月   逗子開成高等学校(神奈川)卒業

2011年3月   東北大学農学部 卒業

2013年3月   北海道大学大学院生命科学院 修士課程 修了

2013年4月〜  北海道大学大学院農学院 博士後期課程

 2016年3月  日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1

2016年4月〜1月  大阪府立大学生命環境科学研究科 技術補助員

2016年12月         北海道大学大学院農学院博士号取得


   2017年9月        大阪府立大学生命環境科学研究科 ポスドク


   2020年3月  名古屋大学トランスフォーマティブ生命分子

        研究所 (ITbM) ポスドク


   2022年3月  日本学術振興会特別研究員 PD

2022年4月〜       名古屋大学高等研究院 YLC特任助教(ITbM受入)


20. Yagi N, Yoshinari A, Iwatate RJ, Isoda R, Frommer WB, Nakamura M. (2021) Advances in Synthetic Fluorescent Probe Labeling for Live-Cell Imaging in Plants. Plant Cell Physiol 62: 1259–1268.

19. Yoshinari A, Toda Y, Takano J. (2021) GNOM‐dependent endocytosis maintains polar localisation of the borate exporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis. Biol Cell 113: 264–269.

18. Yoshinari A, Hosokawa T, Beier MP, Oshima K, Ogino Y, Hori C, Takasuka TE, Fukao Y, Takano J. (2021) Transport-coupled ubiquitination of the borate transporter BOR1 for its boron-dependent degradation. Plant Cell 33: 420–438.

17. Isoda R, Yoshinari A, Ishikawa Y, Sadoine M, Simon R, Frommer WB, Nakamura M. (2021) Sensors for the quantification, localization and analysis of the dynamics of plant hormones. Plant J 105: 542–557.

16. Yoshinari A, Moe-Lange J, Kleist TJ, Cartwright HN, Quint DA, Ehrhardt DW, Frommer WB, Nakamura M. (2021) Using genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors for quantitative in vivo imaging. Arabidopsis Protocols (Book chapter) pp. 303–322.

15. Iwatate R, Yoshinari A, Yagi N, Grzybowski M, Ogasawara H, Kamiya M, Komatsu T, Taki M, Yamaguchi S, Frommer WB, Nakamura M. (2020) Covalent self-labeling of tagged proteins with chemical fluorescent dyes in BY-2 cells and Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Cell 32: 3081–3094.

14. Qi X, Yoshinari A, Bai P, Maes M, Zeng SM, Torii KU. (2020) The manifold actions of signaling peptides on subcellular dynamics of a receptor specify stomatal cell fate. eLife 9: e58097. PubMed

13. Iwatate RJ*, Yoshinari A*, Yagi N*, Grzybowski M, Ogasawara H, Kamiya M, Komatsu T, Taki M, Yamaguchi S, Frommer WB, Nakamura M. (2020) Covalent Self-Labeling of Tagged Proteins with Chemical Fluorescent Dyes in BY-2 Cells and Arabidopsis Seedlings. Plant Cell 32: 3081–3094. PubMed

* Co-first author

12. Yoshinari A, Takano J. (2020) Analysis of Endocytosis and Intracellular Trafficking of Boric Acid/Borate Transport Proteins in Arabidopsis. Methods Mol Biol 2177: 1–13. PubMed

11. Yoshinari A, Moe-Lange J, Kleist T, Cartwright HN, Quint DA, Ehrhardt DW, Frommer WB, Nakamura M. (2020) The employment of genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors for quantitative in vivo imaging. Arabidopsis Protocols (Springer, Book Chapter) (in press)

10. Yoshinari A, Hosokawa T, Amano T, Beier MP, Kunieda T, Shimada T, Hara-Nishimura I, Naito S, Takano J. (2019) Polar localization of the borate exporter BOR1 requires AP2-dependent endocytosis. Plant Physiol 179: 1569–1580. PubMed

9. Routray P, Li T, Yamasaki A, Yoshinari A, Takano J, Choi WG, Sams CE, Roberts DM. (2018) Nodulin Intrinsic Protein 7;1 is a tapetal boric acid channel involved in pollen cell wall formation. Plant Physiol 178: 1269–1283. PubMed

8. Yoshinari A, Korbei B, Takano J. (2018) TOL proteins mediate vacuolar sorting of the borate transporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Soil Sci Plant Nutr 64: 598–605. → Related bioRxiv article

7.  Beier MP, Obara M, Taniai A, Sawa Y, Ishizawa J, Yoshida H, Tomita N, Yamanaka T, Ishizuka Y, Kudo S, Yoshinari A, Takeuchi S, Kojima S, Yamaya T, Hayakawa T. (2018) Lack of ACTPK1, an STY kinase, enhances ammonium uptake and use, and promotes growth of rice seedlings under sufficient external ammonium. Plant J 93: 992–1006. doi: 10.1111/tpj.13824 PubMed

6. Yoshinari A, Takano J. (2017) Insights into the mechanisms underlying boron homeostasis. Front Plant Sci 8: 1951. PubMed

5. Wang S, Yoshinari A, Shimada T, Hara-Nishimura I, Mitani-Ueno N, Ma JF, Naito S, Takano J (2017) Polar localization of the NIP5;1 boric acid channel is maintained by endocytosis and failitates boron transport in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Cell 29: 824–842.  PubMed

4. Takano J, Yoshinari A, Luu DT. (2017) Plant Aquaporin Trafficking (Book chapter) DOI10.1007/978-3-319-49395-4_3 ResearchGate

3. Yoshinari A, Fujimoto M, Ueda T, Inada N, Naito S, Takano J (2016) DRP1-dependent endocytosis is essential for polar localization and boron-induced degradation of the borate transporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol 57: 1985–2000. PubMed


2. Ohmori Y, Inui Y, Kajikawa M, Nakata A, Sotta N, Kasai K, Uraguchi S, Tanaka N, Nishida S, Hasegawa T, Sakamoto T, Kawara Y, Aizawa K, Fujita H, Li K, Sawaki N, Oda K, Futagoishi R, Tsusaka T, Takahashi S, Takano J, Wakuta S, Yoshinari A, Uehara M, Takada S, Nagano H, Miwa K, Aibara I, Ojima T, Ebana K, Ishikawa S, Sueyoshi K, Hasegawa H, Mimura T, Mimura M, Kobayashi NI, Furukawa J, Kobayashi D, Okouchi T, Tanoi K, Fujiwara T (2014) Difference in cesium accumulation among rice cultivars grown in the paddy field in Fukushima Prefecture in 2011 and 2012. J Plant Res 127:57-66. PubMed


1. Yoshinari A, Kasai K, Fujiwara T, Naito S, Takano J (2012) Polar localization and endocytic degradation of a boron transporter, BOR1, is dependent on specific tyrosine residues. Plant Signal Behav 7:46-49. PubMed


Conference / proceeding

International (国際学会)

6. Akira Yoshinari, Takuya Hosokawa, Taro Amano, Marcel Pascal Beier, Tadashi Kunieda, Tomoo Shimada, Ikuko Hara-Nishimura, Satoshi Naito, Junpei Takano. (2019) Polar localization of the borate exporter BOR1 requires AP2-dependent endocytosis. International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology (IWPMB2019). Glasgow. 2019.7.9 (Poster)

5. Akira Yoshinari, Tetsuya Kurata, Tomoaki Sakamoto, Satoshi Naito, Junpei Takano. AP2-dependent and independent endocytosis distinctly regulate polar localization and degradation of a borate transporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. 13th ICOBTE. Fukuoka. 2015.7.13-16. (Oral)

4. Akira Yoshinari, Masaru Fujimoto, Takashi Ueda, Akihiko Nakano, Satoshi Naito, Junpei Takano. Dynamin-mediated endocytosis contributes polar localization and rapid internalization of BOR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. EACB2014 浦項. 2014.4.2-4. (Oral)

3. Akira Yoshinari, Martina Beck, Ji Zhou, Silke Robatzek, Satoshi Naito, Junpei Takano. High-throughput quantitative imaging revealed new insights into the boron-dependent endocytosis of Arabidopsis boron transporter BOR1. Boron Satellite Meeting. Istanbul. 2013.8.17-18. (Poster) PubMed

2. Akira Yoshinari, Yuka Ogino, Tomoaki Sakamoto, Tetsuya Kurata, Satoshi Naito, Junpei Takano. A forward genetic approach to identify novel factors for boron-dependent endocytosis of a boron transporter, AtBOR1. XVII International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Istanbul. 2013.8.19-22. (Poster) PubMed

1. Akira Yoshinari, Satoshi Naito, Junpei Takano.「Screening of mutants defective in boron-dependent degradation of a boron transporter, AtBOR1.」 Japan-Australia Symposium on Plant Sciences for Agriculture. 2012.1. (Poster)





2020年9月           日本土壌肥料学会 若手口頭発表優秀賞

2018年3月   日本植物生理学会 PCP論文賞 (DRP1-dependent endocytosis is essential for polar localization and

                                       boron-induced degradation of the borate transporter BOR1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. )

2018年2月   ITbM Award

2016年7月   第11回トランスポーター研究会 優秀発表賞

2015年9月   第1回植物の栄養研究会 最優秀ポスター発表賞

2013年8月   International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC) 2013 Best Poster Presentation Award

2013年3月   北海道大学大学院 生命科学院 ​修士論文発表会 最優秀発表者賞

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